Berlin Currywurst

Berlin Currywurst

5/5 from 1 Customers

Not known for their love of spicy food, the Germans have one dish that’s famed on the streets of Berlin - the currywurst!

Credited to a lady called Herta Heuwer who mixed curry powder (from British troops) with American tomato ketchup and served it over sausage slices with a sprinkling of curry powder on top!

Curry Legend World Tour Page: 142

Blends Needed

  • Haldi:
    2 tsp

  • Methi:
    2 tsp

  • Mirchi:
    1 tsp

Also works a treat with: Burgers and burger buns

Book: Curry Legend World Tour (p142)

Goes great with: Chips and mayonnaise!

Not known for their love of spicy food, the Germans have one dish that’s famed on the streets of Berlin - the currywurst!

Credited to a lady called Herta Heuwer who mixed curry powder (from British troops) with American tomato ketchup and served it over sausage slices with a sprinkling of curry powder on top!

Which Legend Book: Curry Legend World Tour
Page Number: 142
Goes great with: Chips and mayonnaise!
Also works a treat with: Burgers and burger buns
Serves: 4 with sides
Serves: 4 with sides
Heat Rating: 2/5
Prep time: 0 minutes
Cooking Time: 25 minutes
More Information

Not known for their love of spicy food, the Germans have one dish that’s famed on the streets of Berlin - the currywurst!

Credited to a lady called Herta Heuwer who mixed curry powder (from British troops) with American tomato ketchup and served it over sausage slices with a sprinkling of curry powder on top!

Shopping List
  • 4 large sausages 
  • 4 large hot dog rolls
  • 50g tomato puree
  • 2 tbsp vinegar (white wine or cider vinegar is best)
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp cornflour

Product Rating (1):


Ich liebe Currywurst! Also makes a great general sauce for hash browns, eggs, anything really. Lovely bit of spice! Great, simple recipe

Sounds like a great way to use this delicious sauce!

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