Spicery Kitchen Blog

Job Swap 2018!

Headshot of James
Written by James
Published on 3rd August 2018 at 13:39 • No comments yet, be the first!

It's here once again - our annual Job Swap week where spicerers get partnered up and swap roles with each other all in one week!

First up were Maisie and Chris K...

Chris explained to Maisie about how to design parts of the website menu...and then Maisie showed Chris how to get the perfect angle for photos!

Then there were Liz and Levi

Liz was enthusiastic about packing spices in the Spice Machine and Levi learned a few things about Facebook advertising

Next up, James and Jim!

James has a lesson in processing the day's orders with Jim and getting them ready to send out with Royal Mail! In turn, Jim spent the day with James learning the in's and out's of running a business!

Amy and Chris are next!

Amy took Chris H up to the kitchen where they made a Curry Legend 1970's style curry...and then Amy learned a few bits about packing up spices!


Alice and Dan swap their roles

Alice spent the afternoon with Dan in the back room full of whole spices, measuring spices to create the delicious blends that begin the kitchen! Speaking of which, Dan cooked up in the kitchen with Alice to see how the process all begins...

Kitchen Battles!

As is customary during Job Swap week, all staff is divided into 3 equal teams and given a theme with which they must make a Spicery Twist! Our theme this year - Pizzas, Burgers and Sandwiches!

First to impress was the Pizza Time with their 80's Slice Slice Baby theme...

Then we were blown away by the attention to detail of team Burger's incredible YakDonalds diner...

And then we were all treated to a magical and mysterious lunch at The Mad Hatter's Tea Party, hosted by the Sandwiches team!

This year's Job Swap winners...drum roll please...Team Burgers!

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