Strawberry Cheesecake Chimichangas
This month we’ve got a super-indulgent Taco Legend sweet treat that's not to be missed - a special strawberry cheesecake version of a chimichanga! A Tex-Mex creation, the story of its origin is that a chef accidentally dropped a burrito into the fryer, and the name (Spanish for something like 'thingamajig') just stuck!
This month we’ve got a super-indulgent Taco Legend sweet treat that's not to be missed - a special strawberry cheesecake version of a chimichanga! A Tex-Mex creation, the story of its origin is that a chef accidentally dropped a burrito into the fryer, and the name (Spanish for something like 'thingamajig') just stuck!
Description | This month we’ve got a super-indulgent Taco Legend sweet treat that's not to be missed - a special strawberry cheesecake version of a chimichanga! A Tex-Mex creation, the story of its origin is that a chef accidentally dropped a burrito into the fryer, and the name (Spanish for something like 'thingamajig') just stuck! |
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