Sweetcorn Hush Puppies

Sweetcorn Hush Puppies

5/5 from 1 Customers

These deliciously satisfying fried snacks are a made from a cornmeal-based batter and are a popular side dish in the diners of Southern USA, frequently served with seafood. They make a fantastic snack with the hot pepper sauce to dip them in, and we like them best with an ice cold beer on a Saturday night - cheers!

Blends Needed

  • Ancho:
    4 ½ tsp tsp

  • Chipotle:
    ½ tsp tsp

  • Oregano:
    3 tsp tsp

Also works a treat with: A fresh poblano chilli instead of the pepper

Book: Taco Legend Club Recipes

Goes great with: A nice cold beer with a wedge of lime!

These deliciously satisfying fried snacks are a made from a cornmeal-based batter and are a popular side dish in the diners of Southern USA, frequently served with seafood. They make a fantastic snack with the hot pepper sauce to dip them in, and we like them best with an ice cold beer on a Saturday night - cheers!

Which Legend Book: Taco Legend Club Recipes
Page Number: 49
Goes great with: A nice cold beer with a wedge of lime!
Also works a treat with: A fresh poblano chilli instead of the pepper
Serves: 4
Serves: 4 as a side
Heat Rating: 3/5
Prep time: 20 mins
Cooking Time: 30 mins
More Information

These deliciously satisfying fried snacks are a made from a cornmeal-based batter and are a popular side dish in the diners of Southern USA, frequently served with seafood. They make a fantastic snack with the hot pepper sauce to dip them in, and we like them best with an ice cold beer on a Saturday night - cheers!

Shopping List
  • 4 corn on the cob or use 1 x 325g tin of sweetcorn
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 10g bunch of coriander (optional)
  • 1 pepper (any colour)
  • 1 lime
  • 50ml milk (any type)
  • 1 egg (any size)
  • 2 tsp tomato puree
  • 125g coarse polenta, cornmeal or semolina
  • 50g self-raising flour
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp vinegar (white wine or cider vinegar is best)
  • Oil for frying (sunflower or vegetable oil is best)
Equipment Needed
  • Deep frying pan
  • Small saucepan
  • Blender

Product Rating (1):


Delicious. Moreish snack on the side of our main meal. Super sweet, they went down a treat and did not last long. Very simple preparation. I opted for discs (to save oil!) and that was fairly straightforward. Great recipe

Yum! These look a-maize-ing!

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