

4.9/5 from 14 Customers
From £1.29
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With a pungent scent of onion or sulphur, asafoetida is often used as a substitute for onion or garlic and complements many diverse dishes (despite the pungent scent!). A variety of fennel, asafoetida is harvested from the sap and allowed to dry into hard resinous clumps then ground with fenugreek seeds to create a more usable powder form.

With a pungent scent of onion or sulphur, asafoetida is often used as a substitute for onion or garlic and complements many diverse dishes (despite the pungent scent!). A variety of fennel, asafoetida is harvested from the sap and allowed to dry into hard resinous clumps then ground with fenugreek seeds to create a more usable powder form.

USES: Use as a garlic substitute by adding a small pinch to the oil at the start of cooking. Use in dahl, rasams or pulse curries as it aids digestion, also widely used in vegetable curries.

ORIGIN: Pakistan

INGREDIENTS: Asafoetida and Fenugreek

1 tbsp refill = approx 8 grams
4 tbsp refill = approx 32 grams (fits standard supermarket spice jar)
8 tbsp refill = approx 64 grams (fits Spicery stackable tins)

You can find our stackable tins here

You can read all about our efforts to reduce plastic waste in our packaging blog here

Product Rating (14):


Prompt service, all looks good. Website not totally easy to navigate.


Wonderfully pungent, fresh-smelling spice.


Not used yet but seems fine


Very subtle flavour. I have used this in curries and also in a milk pudding.


Perfetta e curativa dal profumo inconfondibile.


Recent purchase arrived wonderfully quickly, which was good as I needed black sesame seeds for a very fiddly canapé and could not find them in any shops


Simple packaging, arrives on time, easy to sort out.


Extremely good, have recommended you to friends


Very quick delivery and good quality . I have not used every spice yet but those I did use were not stale


Great range of spices and prompt delivery.


A very difficult spice to find. Excellent aroma and taste. Delicious results.


Delicious, and gorgeous new boxes but they don't fit in my if Im not in it could be problem and I might have to cancel my sub. They are too long! the old ones were much smaller.And still fitted everything in.


Excellent service as always. I would certainly recommend The Spicery Ltd to others.


Excellent packaging, pricing, and choice in items and quantities

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