Blue Poppy Seeds

Blue Poppy Seeds

4.6/5 from 5 Customers
From £1.29
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Blue poppy seeds are the familiar dark, tiny seed used in pastry, biscuits and seasonings in Europe. Once toasted, the seeds add a deliciously nutty flavour and texture to a dish, and the dark flecks of the blue seeds look particularly stunning.

Blue poppy seeds are the familiar dark, tiny seed used in pastry, biscuits and seasonings in Europe. Once toasted, the seeds add a deliciously nutty flavour and texture to a dish, and the dark flecks of the blue seeds look particularly stunning.

USES: Stir into mashed potato, sprinkle over pasta or vegetables. Mix into bread dough, pancake batter or sprinkle over the top of savoury biscuits. Add to dressings for salad or sweet syrups for desserts.

ORIGIN: Australia/India

1 tbsp refill = approx 7 grams
4 tbsp refill = approx 28 grams (fits standard supermarket spice jar)
8 tbsp refill = approx 56 grams (fits Spicery stackable tins)

You can find our stackable tins here

You can read all about our efforts to reduce plastic waste in our packaging blog here

Product Rating (5):


Really helpful staff, great range and fast delivery. Website a little difficult to navigate.




Fast delivery, well packaged and good that no smells from the herbs, spices are detected from the packaging :0) Great little touch of recipe info :0) Love it!


Great Great Great Great !!


Website easy to use and informative. Haven't used one yet, but the blends + recipe for them are good idea. Delivery : Brilliant! very prompt. You get 3 stars because I tried only the pimento so far

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