Chipotle Chilli

Chipotle Chilli

5/5 from 8 Customers
From £1.99
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Chipotles are smoked jalapeno chillies, giving a definite heat but also a deeply smoky, savoury flavour. The flesh is thick so the chilli is best if used in a slow-cooked dish rather than raw. Added to a soup or stew, the chipotle chillies add an almost 'meaty' depth of flavour and are really good in a vegetable-based dish for this purpose.

Chipotles are smoked jalapeno chillies, giving a definite heat but also a deeply smoky, savoury flavour. The flesh is thick so the chilli is best if used in a slow-cooked dish rather than raw. Added to a soup or stew, the chipotle chillies add an almost 'meaty' depth of flavour and are really good in a vegetable-based dish for this purpose.

USES: Add whole chipotles to a soup, stew, chile or in the braising liquid for meats. Superb cooked with beans or pulses.

ORIGIN: Mexico

HEAT: 6/10


1 tbsp refill = approx 6 grams
4 tbsp refill = approx 24 grams (fits standard supermarket spice jar)
8 tbsp refill = approx 48 grams (fits Spicery stackable tins)


1 tbsp refill = approx 9 grams
4 tbsp refill = approx 36 grams (fits standard supermarket spice jar)
8 tbsp refill = approx 72 grams (fits Spicery stackable tins)

You can find our stackable tins here

You can read all about our efforts to reduce plastic waste in our packaging blog here

Product Rating (8):


Lovely chillies nice heat without being over the top and a lovely smokie flavour

It's great to hear you're enjoying these superb chillies!


Great website and selection. Spices arrived the next day and were lovely.


My favourite chilli and good quality and flavour from this company


Called at 2pm, spices were with me just before lunch the next day, in the run up to Christmas. Brilliant.


The spices are all so fresh and aromatic: it made my Christmas cooking extra enjoyable to be using them, and the cakes extra delicious ( I think/hope). Everything drives so quickly too. I recommend them and send presents of their products all the time.


Lovely chili powder - I needed it for a specific recipe but I have added it to my own chilli con carne spice blend and my family commented that the chili was nicer than ever!


Very quick service, great packaging, and I do love getting a free sample!


I am really impressed with the speed and the " No drama " delivery! I will be using you again , I live in France and why it has the " Gourmet " nomclature, of the world, is , frankly, pardon the pun, beyond me, as l cannot get a lot of the things l need to cook, still the sun is bright, we cannot be greedy and have everything!!!??

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