

5/5 from 9 Customers
From £1.29
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Oregano is one of those herbs that seems almost to improve on drying. The flavour is intensified and is delicious when cooked into a dish.

Oregano is one of those herbs that seems almost to improve on drying. The flavour is intensified and is delicious when cooked into a dish.

USES: Use to season chicken, lamb or even fish (especially in conjunction with crushed garlic!) Good in tomato sauces or stews. Oregano is also very good in a seasoning for grilled meats - add a pinch of chilli, salt and lemon for a versatitle barbeque seasoning.

ORIGIN: Turkey

1 tbsp refill = approx 2 grams
4 tbsp refill = approx 8 grams (fits standard supermarket spice jar)
8 tbsp refill = approx 16 grams (fits Spicery stackable tins)

You can find our stackable tins here

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Product Rating (9):




Great in roast vegetables


Superb quality spices and swift efficent delivery


I've used The Spicery for a couple of years now. Always a fast efficient service and great products.


Love The Spicery, have been using them for a while. Last time when they didn't have what I ordered they replaced it with something else, but didn't charge me and emailed me separately to let me know they did it. Best customer service I've had online!




Ordered a top up of my usual spices, all delivered the next day, and cheaper than leading brand at supermarket too!


The best place to get your spices! Wonderful quality and fast shipping.


As usual a very speedy delivery of all the items. A great company to deal with. The products themselves are very good and well packaged.

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